Salam. Alhamdulillah. Saya 'stumble-upon' satu artikel yang sangat menarik untuk dikongsikan bersama-sama Stay-At-Home Moms. Sangat menarik. Diambil dari sumber berikut: Michael Cavender Become a fan The Stay At Home Rockstar Dad, My Apology to Stay-At-Home Moms Posted: 06/25/2014 5:23 pm EDT Updated: 06/25/2014 5:59 pm EDT Print Article I owe an apology to women everywhere, specifically, stay-at-home moms. A lot of men who think that they are the "breadwinners" of a family have this notion that mothers who stay-at-home with the kids all day are, in a way, either not pulling their weight or just sitting around, doing nothing the entire day. I'm a bit guilty of this. In the past, I would often get agitated with my wife when things around the house didn't get ...