The Treatment of Laziness and Frustration Dr. Omar Abdul Kafi said that one day he was giving a Friday sermon in one of the Masjid. After the prayer a man who had a long hair and a long beard came to him. Surprisingly it showed that he did not care about himself at all. He told Dr Omar: "I am very lazy, with a lot of sleep. I hardly wake up, I only wake up to eat and go back to sleep again. I neglect my work, my future, and everything else and I don't care. My children think I am a strange person and very boring. I have a lack of enthusiasm, and I am always having frustration. What should I do please help me." Dr. Omar told him to ask Allah for forgiveness by saying "Astaghfir Allah" at least 100 times in a day, and to come back to him after one week, to tell him the result. The man said: "I am telling you I am lazy, I sleep more than 15 hours in a day. I am neglecting my prayers, my children and my work, and you are telling me to ask Allah for for...