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Boost Your Immune System the Natural Way

Your immune system is important. Very much like your own personal army, it guards your body against attack from invaders (like bacteria, fungi and viruses), defending against infections and several kinds of cancer. But modern lifestyle today is filled with challenges such as poor nutrition, smoking, stress, lack of exercise or sleep. This eventually weaken our immune functions and reduce the body's ability to protect itself.

In addition, many health threats are invisible. Viruses such as influenza, increasing resistant bacteria, environmental toxin, pathogens form other lands, such SARS and avian flu are threatening our immune system every single day without us realizing it. When our immune system is below optimum level, we are much more prone to illness, like flu, cold, infectious diseases and cancers.

Fortunately, we are not defenseless. Our immune system is design to protect us. So, keeps it functioning at its peak performance, so that you can stay strong and healthy. There are many natural immune system boosters' nutrients that can strengthen your immune system.

Pumpkin seeds, safflower flowers, plantago seeds, and Japanese honeysuckle flower buds (Interferon booster)

What is Interferon?
Interferon is a natural protein that triggers the body's immune system to attack invading microbes and boosts the immune system ability to mount an immune response. It was discovered in 1954 by Dr Yashukiko Kojima, a medical doctor and biological researcher who observed that a weaken immune system produces less interferon. After screening,testing and evaluating more than 200 different herbs, Dr Kojima discover combination of 4 botanicals derived form pumpkin seeds, safflower flowers, plantagoseeds, and Japanesse honeysuckle flower buds can naturally increase the body's production of its own interferon without added stress to the body. Clinical study demonstrated this unique combination of botanical blen to be effective ib patients with chronic hepatitis C.

Vitamin C, Garlic and zinc :
Vitamin C tops the list of immune boosters as it is involved in antibody production, white blood cell function and activity, and most importantly, it involve in the production of interferon. Vitamin C requirements are raised when the immune system is under stress.
Garlic is a natural antibiotic and powerful immune booster. Allicin is the active component in garlic that stimulates the production of white cells, boosts natural killer cell activity and increase antibody production.
Zinc is necessary for maintenance if normal immune function. A zinc-deficient persons experience increased susceptibility to a variety of pathogens and slow wound healing.


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