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Teruja ML, terjumpa satu artikel dan terdapat di dalamnya orang yang ML kenal di kampung Halaman Tercinta ML - Dalat, Sarawak.

ML ini abadikan aritkel ini di Blog ML untuk kenangan ML, untuk mengubati rindu ML kepada kampung halaman. Kebetulan dalam artikel ini, Penghulu yang disebutkan ML kenal sangat. :)
Jadi memang membuatkan ML bertambah ingin kongsikan di blog.

(sumber :

Coexisting: A story about religion from Sarawak

In Kampung Sungai Ud, Christians, Muslims and animists live in true harmony. Here, religions do not divide, they coexist in peace. Photos by Zulazhar Sheblee and courtesy of the Nur Daniesya Abdullah. Curated by Yu Ji
  1. “It’s not like peninsular Malaysia here,” said Penghulu Juhan Ilul. The village chief's family includes Muslims and Christians. "Even when there are issues outside, like the Allah problem in the peninsula, we don’t care. We go on as always. All are almost the same. The difference is how you worship."
  2. Far away from the nation's capital, in a village named after the river that runs through it, live dozens of Christian-Muslim-animist families #Dalat #coexist
Juhan does not consider himself very religious. He told The Star his wife and children attend church more regularly than he does. Nonetheless, he said he was a Christian. His second daughter converted to Islam in 2008.
This is a story of how one Melanau village is living poof religions need not become barriers. #Dalat #coexist
A family portrait of when Juhan's kids were, well, kids.
A family photo from before Danie (second right) converted to Islam and become Nur Daniesya Abdullah. #Dalat #coexist
A family photo from before Danie (second right) converted to Islam and become Nur Daniesya Abdullah. #Dalat #coexist
  1. Their village is in Dalat. The closest town is Mukah, about 50km away by car. In these villages, there are more boats than cars. 
  2. Kampung Sungai Ud in Dalat is where Daniesya grew up. It is a village by the coast and boats are still the main mode of transportation. She teaches English in this village of about 2,800 people: A quarter are Muslim, about 1,000 are Christians and the rest are animists. #Dalat #coexist
Danie became Daniesya after marrying her childhood crush, the gym loving Suharmi Suhai. Daniesya told her elder sister first and then her aunt.
“Everyone said, ‘It’s your life, it depends how you manage it. The conversion is not the point, it is how you live your life after."
Suharmi Suhai is Daniesya's love. They first met in kindergarten. Suharmi describes his own heritage has "rojak". His own mother is a convert. #Dalat #coexistSuharmi Suhai is Daniesya's love. They first met in kindergarten. Suharmi describes his own heritage has "rojak". His own mother is a convert. #Dalat #coexist

Suharmi and Daniesya become separated when they left school. Suharmi move from Dalat to Miri, where he worked as an offshore oil man, while Daniesya went off to university in Johor.
  1. Daniesya and Suharmi married in 2008. Daniesya is an English and Science teacher. Suharmi continues to work offshore several months a year. 
  2. Since getting married, they have been reunited in Daniesya's family home. #Dalat #coexist
    Since getting married, they have been reunit

  1. Since getting marred, they have been reunited in Daniesya's family home. #Dalat #coexist
  2. They pray as Muslims in this family home, where the rest of the family are Christians. #Dalat #coexist
    They pray as Muslims in this family home, 

  1. They pray as Muslims in this family home, where the rest of the family are Christians. #Dalat #coexist
    They pray as Muslims in this family home, where the rest of the family are Christians. #Dalat #coexist
  2. And they celebrate Hari Raya together as one big family. #Dalat #coexist
    And they celebrate Hari Raya together as one big family. #Dalat #coexist
  3. Juhan repeated said during the interview he never had any qualms about her daughter's life choices. 
    “When she told me (about the conversion), I was OK with it. I told her, you are an adult, you live your life. Not that I wasn’t a little surprised but I didn’t want it to be a problem in the family,” said the village chief, who is a former librarian, speaking in a combination of Bahasa Sarawak, English and Malay.
    “I have been to peninsular; Muslims and non-Muslims have difficulties eating together. Why should that be a problem?”
  4. This is the wall at family home of Daniesya's father, Penghulu Juhan  Ilul. The walls at this home used to include religious iconography. After Daniesya's conversion, all were taken down and replaced with family photos. "It is our way of saying we respect all religions. Even though this is my home, I don't take advantage if the space. I don't look down on others. I have Buddhist friends, animist friends... all OK" #Dalat #coexist
    This is the wall at family home of Daniesya's father, Penghulu Juhan Ilul. The walls at this home used to include religious iconography. After Daniesya's conversion, all were taken down and replaced with family photos. "It is our way of saying we respect all religions. Even though this is my home, I don't take advantage if the space. I don't look down on others. I have Buddhist friends, animist friends... all OK" #Dalat #coexist
  5. Daniesya's youngest child, a three month old boy, sleeping under the watchful eye of grandma. #Dalat #coexist
    Daniesya's youngest child, a three month old boy, sleeping under the watchful eye of grandma. #Dalat #coexist
  6. Midway through the interview and the entire family seemed to agree spontaneously that it was time to drink and snack. 
  7. Daniesya, who is the second child among four siblings, with her elder sister preparing drinks and afternoon snacks. A family that eats together stays together, they say. #Dalat #coexist
    Daniesya, who is the second child among four siblings, with her elder sister preparing drinks and afternoon snacks. A family that eats together stays together, they say. #Dalat #coexist
  8. But when you are in rural Sarawak, a snack is never just a snack. Families threat you with so much well prepared food you cannot but feel touched. 
  9. Speaking of food, Melanau cuisine is among the best in this part of the world. Fresh ingredients is key. Here, the family shows us how umai is made. It is a dish of marinated raw fish. Umai is making it's way into high end restaurants in places like Kuching. #Dalat #coexist
    Speaking of food, Melanau cuisine is among the best in this part of the world. Fresh ingredients is key. Here, the family shows us how umai is made. It is a dish of marinated raw fish. Umai is making it's way into high end restaurants in places like Kuching. #Dalat #coexist
  10. A dish of prawn noodles. In Melanau families, seafood is always on the menu. In places like Dalat and Mukah, fresh seafood is much easier to find than meat, which is almost always imported. #Dalat #coexist
    A dish of prawn noodles. In Melanau families, seafood is always on the menu. In places like Dalat and Mukah, fresh seafood is much easier to find than meat, which is almost always imported. #Dalat #coexist
  11. Daniesya's parents and siblings still practise their religion.  
  12. Daniesya's mother showing The Star's photographer Zulazhar Sheblee a cross she keeps in the bedroom. #Dalat #coexist
    Daniesya's mother showing The Star's photographer Zulazhar Sheblee a cross she keeps in the bedroom. #Dalat #coexist
    1. Christmas is an important family affair. 
    2. Christmas lunch last year. Almost everyone in Kampung Sungai Ud in Dalat celebrates Christmas in one way or another. Daniesya says the Christians in the family go to church in the morning while the Muslims stay at home, cooking up a storm. #Dalat #coexist
      Christmas lunch last year. Almost everyone in Kampung Sungai Ud in Dalat celebrates Christmas in one way or another. Daniesya says the Christians in the family go to church in the morning while the Muslims stay at home, cooking up a storm. #Dalat #coexist
    3. Children in the family during Christmas time. #Dalat #coexist
      Children in the family during Christmas time. #Dalat #coexist
    4. Danieya’s husband Suharmi came across as incredibly easy-going during the interview. He was all smiles all the time.
      Like his father-in-law, Suharmi also said he did not consider himself overtly religious. 
    5. Suharmi told The Star how much he enjoyed giving and receiving presents during Christmas time. Daniesya said her daughters love singing Jingle Bells. #Dalat #coexist
      Suharmi told The Star how much he enjoyed giving and receiving presents during Christmas time. Daniesya said her daughters love singing Jingle Bells. #Dalat #coexist
    6. The family performed "samak" sites on their cutleries, cups and dishes, and they only eat halal food at home. #Dalat #coexist
      The family performed "samak" sites on their cutleries, cups and dishes, and they only eat halal food at home. #Dalat #coexist
    7. The village chief Juhan wanted to make clear he has seen the divisiveness of religion. When the village was isolated, before there were roads and bridges, getting to the nearest town Mukah involved a two-hour boat journey to Oya, an overnight stay, followed by a nine-hour trek on foot.
      The isolation meant Kampung Sungai Ud villagers had to rely on its own people for everything. Villagers shared common living traits: from the type of church they went to, to tribal beliefs.
      Roads came about 20 years ago. The village opened up to external influences. Development was welcomed. Juhan’s library, which had operated out of a corner of a Government office, became a full-fledge facility with its own premises. Being able to drive to Mukah reduced the travelling time to just an hour.
      “What came after that were different kinds of Christianity and that did actually split the community. Some people started believing they could not mix. To me, some people become too obsessed,” Juhan said.
      When I pressed for more, Juhan declined to elaborate, shaking his head, as if to indicate that when there is nothing nice to say, better to not say anything.
    8. After the interviews were our, the family wanted to show us around the kampung. Juhan was particularly excited about racing boats. #Dalat #coexist
      After the interviews were our, the family wanted to show us around the kampung. Juhan was particularly excited about racing boats. #Dalat #coexist
    9. Between the Penghulu’s home and the river, there is a workshop of sorts. Here was Juhan’s obsession: A racing boat, enough to fit just one, and with an engine so tall it seemed comically out of place.
    10. The son-in-law Suharmi loves fast boats just as much as Juhan. It's their shared obsession. #Dalat #coexist
      The son-in-law Suharmi loves fast boats just as much as Juhan. It's their shared obsession. #Dalat #coexist
    11. When they were asked more about their Muslim-Christian family, Suharmi replied that their individual religions weren't things they thought about all the time when interacting with one another. Suharmi went on talking excitedly about the boat and its giant engine. #Dalat #coexist
      When they were asked more about their Muslim-Christian family, Suharmi replied that their individual religions weren't things they thought about all the time when interacting with one another. Suharmi went on talking excitedly about the boat and its giant engine. #Dalat #coexist
    12. Juhan's latest toy for his boat, a new propellor. "Every Nov there is a river race. About 30 boats take part from as far as Kapit and Baram. It's a lot fun." #Dalat #coexist
      Juhan's latest toy for his boat, a new propellor. "Every Nov there is a river race. About 30 boats take part from as far as Kapit and Baram. It's a lot fun." #Dalat #coexist
    13. The family enjoying a weekend afternoon looking through photographs. "The way to harmony is to never assume any group of individuals is better than any other group... We just have to accept what other people can do, which, perhaps, we cannot do. You have to let them do it according to their believes. Don't try to interpret what they are doing. Don't ever talk about who is better or what is better." #Dalat #coexist
      The family enjoying a weekend afternoon looking through photographs. "The way to harmony is to never assume any group of individuals is better than any other group... We just have to accept what other people can do, which, perhaps, we cannot do. You have to let them do it according to their believes. Don't try to interpret what they are doing. Don't ever talk about who is better or what is better." #Dalat #coexist
    14. “We celebrate Hari Raya,” Daniesya pitched in. “I give the all kids duit raya, they seem to like it. We have ketupat and rendang, which Suharmi’s mother makes. When it is Christmas, we don’t go to church, they do. When they go carolling, we listen and have fun. A few months before that, we have already agreed who will give whom presents. Last year I got a blouse from my younger brother.”
    15. A postscript about Dalat: To get to the kampung, you must fly in this Twin Otter to Mukah. It's a small plane for about a dozen passengers. Dalat is another 50km or so away by car. #Dalat #coexist
      A postscript about Dalat: To get to the kampung, you must fly in this Twin Otter to Mukah. It's a small plane for about a dozen passengers. Dalat is another 50km or so away by car. #Dalat #coexist
    16. Mukah town is in the midst of transition. While Dalat is still very much a village, Mukah is modernising. The planes and airport might be small, but Mukah houses Malaysia's second largest aluminium smelter. 
    17. This is the entire of Mukah airport: check-in counters, security, arrival hall, departure hall, cafe, gift shop... It's all here. #Dalat #coexist
      This is the entire of Mukah airport: check-in counters, security, arrival hall, departure hall, cafe, gift shop... It's all here. #Dalat #coexist
    18. This airport, where the arrival hall and the runway are under a badminton court apart, will be replaced soon. Phase one of a new airport, which can accomodate jumbo jets, is under construction. 
    19. The Star's photographer Zulazhar Sheblee (left) checking-in at Mukah airport. Everyone has to be weighed before going on board. #Dalat #coexist
      The Star's photographer Zulazhar Sheblee (left) checking-in at Mukah airport. Everyone has to be weighed before going on board. #Dalat #coexist
    20. A fish statue near Mukah wet market. In this Melanau heartland, seafood and sago are more important than meat and rice. #Dalat #coexist
      A fish statue near Mukah wet market. In this Melanau heartland, seafood and sago are more important than meat and rice. #Dalat #coexist
    21. Communication towers rising from the coast. 
    22. The sunset in this rural Sarawak town -- as it is across Malaysia's largest state -- is beautiful. #Dalat #coexist
      The sunset in this rural Sarawak town -- as it is across Malaysia's largest state -- is beautiful. #Dalat #coexist


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